
Youth Compose And Report A Song In 2 Days

nonetheless there was an excellent house. Mr. Gee, leader (master of the Band of the 39th) performed this musical leisure with great credit to himself and employer. The efficiency of the vocalists was every factor that could possibly be expected; and in a number of songs they were encored. The overture to Der Freischutz was carried out in a superior manner.

and undertook that their mixed singing ought to far excel that which had proved a failure when a quantity of show youngsters had been selected, and, from being puffed up with vainness, had sung loudly and disagreeably. The CHAIRMAN and others having no nice recollection of the previous performances and basic conduct of the youngsters opposed this suggestion, and complimented Mr. Gibbes on their improved behaviour within the physique of the church .

Isabella MELODIA

The entire to conclude with the Laughable extravaganza of JACK ROBINSON AND HIS MONKEY. Harrington, F. Germone, and D. An environment friendly choir, composed of members of varied choirs in town, along side that of St. Andrews’,

W. H..Glen and Co.’s new music warehouse, 21 and 23 Collins-street east, is in shut proximity to that of Messrs. Allan and Co. The front to Collins-street is 36ft. In the architectural design it has been sought to acquire a picturesque and varied entrance, suggestive of the needs of a music warehouse, and difficult public consideration by its novelty and gracefulness . The music enterprise, now carried on by Messrs. Allan and Co., at 15 Collins-street east, Melbourne,

Australian Determine Skating Championship Results

G. H. Rogers, F. Howson, J. Howson, J. Levesen, Messrs, Morton, Clifford, Walker, Gatland, Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. C. Jones, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Griffith, Miss Lincoln, Miss King, and a full and efficient Orchestra. Leader, Mr. G. PECK, who has kindly volunteered his companies upon the event. Conductor, Mr. J. WINTERBOTTOM.

Youth Compose And Document A Music In 2 Days

In the course of time the author, owing to a collection of misfortunes, was reduced to need. Just at this juncture he providentially fell into the arms of a Christian minister, whose kindness was the means of his ultimate conversion. The e-book is written partly to help the writer in his declining years, and partly to indicate the true nature of the theatre and the theatrical profession. Here we study that the traditional situation of the stage is jealousy and intrigue, that most actors drink, that few reside to any age, most of them dying of softening of the brain. That the introduction of the French drama to the English stage has had the outcome of deteriorating the morals of actors and theatre-goers alike. That few young men who are drawn into the vortex of theatre-going, fail to search out their method to moral and bodily damage.

The place of Mr. White, who ably presided at the pianoforte, and whose accompaniments in no small diploma contributed to the success of the night live shows, is at current crammed by Mr. Salaman, the previous gentleman being on a visit to city . On Thursday night time, the long-expected opera of “Maritana” was produced to a superb and crowded audience.

He ordered a sugar-bason, milk-pot, and a gold watch, chain, seal, and key, in all they came to 54l. He then asked to see some gold watches, and I produced the 2 he had seen; he stated he didn’t perceive watches, but if I would ship them to his lodgings, No. 6, Frith-street, he had a good friend there, and he would determine which he would take. I took them myself in about an hour, and saw him with the interpreter; I put them on the desk. He requested, via the interpreter, if I would allow him to take the watches to a pal in the subsequent room? I stated,

whose most sanguine expectations will must have been fully realised . WITH the exception of Monday final, the VICTORIA has been crowded every night time during the week. We remorse that the state of the climate precluded Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, from having benefitted by their profit – we want them higher luck subsequent time. Mr. J. G. GIBBES right here put in an earnest attraction to permit the Sunday-school kids to renew their seats in the gallery,

at No. 377, Pitt-street, within the City of Sydney, was this day dissolved by mutual consent.- Dated this fifth 160 Eagle Creek Road, WEROMBI NSW 2570 Australia of April, 1851, JOHN GIBBS. G. PENNINGTON, Solicitor, George road.

It is peculiarly a dramatic composition, written in a dashing allegro type, and does great credit to Mr. Gibbs, whose acknowledged tact in making out there all the artistical resources at his command, was absolutely displayed on this event. It was only out of consideration for the vocalists that a second encore was restrained. By permission of Colonel Waddy, C.B., a Promenade Concert was given within the Domain, on Monday, by the band of the 50th Regiment, in assist of the funds of St. Vincent’s Hospital.