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Seven ways that architects are transforming the planet and how we live

Are you tired of the same old thing? Do you feel prepared for a shift? An entirely different course? A profession that is truly going to shake your world?

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You’re looking for something imaginative, but useful. Practical but theoretical. one in which you manage every step of the procedure instead of delegating it to a third party.

Something that genuinely improves people’s lives and has a beneficial effect on the environment?

Here are seven fantastic reasons why working in architecture can be your ideal career:

Not only architects practice architecture.

A degree in architecture can lead to employment in government agencies, development, construction, planning, and architecture businesses, among other areas. However, it can also lead to alternative career paths.

You can pursue fascinating employment and lucrative careers in virtual design, online and graphic design, fashion, visual arts, stage/set design, industrial design, interior design, and arts management, in addition to learning strategic thinking, visual creativity, design, and project management skills.

Your new profession as an architect is closer than you might believe if you’re prepared to make a shift.

One of the first institutions in Australia to provide a pathway option to the Master of Architecture for students with an undergraduate degree in something other than architecture is Bond University on the Gold Coast, set to open for business in January 2020.

Put another way, you may earn a bachelor’s degree in any field and, in two years, earn a master’s degree in architecture.

After completing the first two semesters of a Graduate Diploma program, which covers the fundamental prerequisites, you will enter the regular four-semester Masters of Architecture program. You may complete the six semesters (Graduate Diploma + Masters) in only two years if you study full-time at Bond University thanks to its three semesters per year schedule.

You’ll leave a significant impact

The Giza Great Pyramid. the Acropolis. The Empire State Structure. The Opera House in Sydney.

Nothing you’ve imagined up out of thin air, laid out on paper, and supervising in building could still be in existence hundreds or even thousands of years later in any other skill or vocation.

You created the places in our lives, and the spaces in our lives, the life.

Architects design the urban environments of our towns, cities, and suburbs; they construct the frameworks that support our lives.

The way we move and work in the homes, workplaces, and structures they create is determined by the rooms, connections, and functioning of those spaces. It affects the people we meet at work, the number of people we live with, the people we live next to, and the people we connect with.

Because you wish to lead by example.

The advancement of sustainable living will be made possible by architects for society. They will figure out how to effectively incorporate energy efficiency, recycling, trash reduction, water management, alternative energy, and more into our homes and offices through ingenious design and innovative technology.

Once the rules are known, you are free to break them.

Architects are compensated for their innovative thinking, defying convention, and taking a novel approach.

The objective of the game is to unleash your creativity and push the envelope to make constructions and forms that no one has ever seen before.

You like finding solutions to issues.

The ultimate Rubik’s Cube is architecture.

You begin with a client’s wish list for their ideal house, workplace, or structure, and your job is to design areas and procedures that help them realize their dreams. The last task is to integrate each of those discrete solutions into a cohesive, functional whole.

Architects make things happen.

It takes more than simply daydreaming and sketching to practice architecture. You get to watch your work come to life from the ground up and get involved in the entire process.